Bristol 1350




Architects of the West Kingdom


Architects of the West Kingdom is set at the end of the Carolingian Empire, circa 850 AD. As royal architects, players compete to impress their King and maintain their noble status by constructing various landmarks throughout his newly appointed domain. Players need to collect raw materials, hire apprentices, and keep a watchful eye on their workforce. These are treacherous times, and rival architects will stop at nothing to slow your progress. Will you remain virtuous, or be found in the company of thieves and black marketeers?


Bristol 1350


You are racing down the streets, desperate to escape into the safety of the countryside. If your cart is the first out of town you and your cart-mates win! Or do you? Some villagers on your cart may secretly already have the plague. If you leave town with a plagued villager on your cart, you will catch the plague and lose! What will you do to make sure that doesn’t happen? And who will you trust (or betray) along the way?

Bristol 1350 is a light strategy and social deduction game for 1-9 players. Learn in 10 minutes and play in 20-40 minutes.




Destinies is a competitive, story-driven, game of adventure and exploration, mixing an app and a board game. The Destinies system offers a fully story-driven, app-supported, RPG-like board game experience without the need for a game master. Each scenario pictures a part of a vivid world, full of dark stories, epic characters, and mysteries to solve. Each player takes the role of a hero on a quest to fulfil their destiny.


Viscounts Of The West Kingdom


Viscounts of the West Kingdom is set at a time when the King’s reign began to decline, circa 980 AD. Choosing peace over prosperity, our once strong King began offering our enemies gold and land to lay down their axes. But peace is a tenuous affair. As poverty spread, many people lost faith in his ability to lead and sought independence from the crown. Since finding favour in his courts, our future has also become uncertain. As viscounts, we must be wise and decisive. Loyalty is to be upheld, but gaining favour among the people must be our priority, should there be a sudden shift in power.