Bristol 1350


The Resistance




Bristol 1350


You are racing down the streets, desperate to escape into the safety of the countryside. If your cart is the first out of town you and your cart-mates win! Or do you? Some villagers on your cart may secretly already have the plague. If you leave town with a plagued villager on your cart, you will catch the plague and lose! What will you do to make sure that doesn’t happen? And who will you trust (or betray) along the way?

Bristol 1350 is a light strategy and social deduction game for 1-9 players. Learn in 10 minutes and play in 20-40 minutes.


The Resistance


The Resistance is a party game of social deduction. It is designed for five to ten players, lasts about 30 minutes, and has no player elimination. The Resistance is inspired by Mafia/Werewolf, yet it is unique in its core mechanics, which increase the resources for informed decisions, intensify player interaction, and eliminate player elimination.




“The steamship Atlantica makes way to Boston, but dark shadows trail the ship, staying just out of sight beneath the waves. The ship’s passengers seem unnaturally fixated, staring out to sea with a silent, desperate longing. The investigators’ dreams are plagued by eerie underwater nightmares. And now, a passenger has been murdered.